wahh..shocked to see so many tags and got conflict on my tagboard!!hahaha~
caught the maid on saturday..i think its not bad.haha the twist really quite unexpected..maybe its because the thriller din tell much..so tempt me to go watch!haha but the effects and sounds really quite eerie..really makes me jump.and that pig hit me with his knuckles when he was shocked!haha i end up laughing la..=)))
i shall prove rachel wrongg...i love my laopo k!rachel u dun think u birthday pass liao then very big come and tiao bo li jian i box u ah.haha dun worry laopoo!here's a whole post dedicated to youuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
huaa is chioooo!!
huaa is not fat!!
huaa dun need to jianfei..
huaa is cute!!
huaa is always makes noise with me!!
huaa always shares her pod with me..
huaa is loud like mee!
huaa always needs human alarm clock to wake her..
huaa plays childish games with me..
huaa is funnie..makes me laugh..
huaa makes me smilee...
huaa tempts me to eat macs!!
huaa loves aj like mee!
huaa maybe pissed..
huaa maybe blurr..
huaa maybe careless..
but....most of all huaa is my laopo and..
i love huaa!! ^-^and dats all i hafta say..
scribbled on the stars.